This topic is something which isn’t often thought of when job hunting, but regardless of if you are applying for a position within the hospitality industry or any other industry it is common practice for employers to check out a candidate’s social media profiles to get an idea of personalities.
Its probably a bit controversial to do this as our online lives are often very different to our work lives, and don’t always reflect what our work ethic will be like. However as we are in a time where a lot of our personal feelings, thoughts and daily live’s are all put onto the internet for the world to see and there is no hiding from this.
There are even companies who offer ‘social media screenings’ of people who will look into not only current behaviour but also past behaviour and report back to employers!
The internet is an amazing tool to look for work, there are many job sites and recruitment websites. But as social media can help you find work there is a direct link between your personal profile and employers and recruiters.

Here are a few tips when looking for work on social media:
- As you may be posting online about your career experience in order to look for work, it’s a good idea to have a profile picture of you, most people do have themselves as their picture however here are a few tips regarding pics:
: Have just you in the photo
: Wear something smart (ish) doesn’t have to be a shirt and tie but for example not a bikini/shirtless
: Be smiling in your picture, no one wants to employ someone who doesn’t look warm and friendly
: Don’t have a drink or cigarette in your hand in your picture
- When posting about your career experience, remember to do just that and not give your life story when looking for work. Keep it short and concise and relevant to what you are looking for. For example:
: ‘I am a NQF 1, Full trails qualified field guide with experience working in high end lodges, I am currently looking for a new position for growth in my career, please contact me for a copy of my Cv on ….EMAIL/PHONE NUMBER. Thank you’
- If you see a job advertised that you feel you are qualified for and have the experience asked, then send the required documents to the contact details provided. There is very little point in commenting on the job advert saying ‘I’m interested’ or with your phone number. I can guarantee you will not be contacted unless you send through the required documents and follow the instructions on the advert. Always read it carefully before making any comment.
- Don’t post the words ‘’I’m looking for any job’’ employers are looking for candidates who are highly passionate about the industry and position they are applying for, even if you don’t have lots of experience or a specific qualification try and give a little information about your skills, and what sort of industry/position you think you would suit.
- If you see a job advertised don’t send a private message to the person advertising the position, most people won’t receive your message as you are not known to them so it can filter into a ‘junk message box’ or they just wont reply as you haven’t followed the instructions on the job advert as asked. Employers and recruiters don’t have time to reply to private messages either so you are often just wasting your time too.
- If you have had a bad experience with an employer or recruiter, never comment in a negative way on their posts, you may think its only them that are seeing this comment but the reality is there may be thousands of people on this group who all see your comment and it will only end up reflecting badly on you and not the company itself.
- If you see a salary advertised on a job advert that you think is way under market related, keep quiet and don’t comment. There will be many people who see this comment who are possibly working for the same or a lesser salary, by commenting in this way you are belittling these people but also making yourself look bad and highly unprofessional.
- It is not required to post a photo of you on your post as your profile picture will already be of you, rather make your post about your experience and qualifications. (refer to my above point about your profile photo)
- Try not to over-post or over-advertise yourself online, if you are posting constantly that you are looking for work people may assume there is a problem with you, If you are desperately looking for work try to rather try different means instead of posting every week on the same site which means the same people are seeing this over and over.

- Always triple check your post before clicking ‘post’ for spelling errors, grammar errors, this is probably an employer or recruiters first impression of you so take the time to check.
- If you are looking for work on social media but you haven’t told your current employer then its best to do so first. Even if your employer doesn’t see your post there is a good chance a colleague may and it probably will get back to your boss. So if this is the way you want to advertise yourself for positions inform them that you are looking for a new job but you will keep them updated with any progress you make and of course will give the full notice period required as per your contract.

General social media tips
- Never bad mouth your boss or company on social media regardless of if you are still employed there or have left. Not only will this cause friction with the company, but it will make you look bad and you could potentially be sued for defamation of character so be very careful what you post.
- Never bad mouth a recruiter, although recruiters are in competition with each other they also work closely together and again you can be sued for defamation of character but also other recruiters wont consider assisting you at all.
- This is a standard thing to remember but never call in sick and then post pictures on social media of you out and about for the day, there are many real stories of this happening and it could potentially lead to you getting dismissed.
- Make your account as private as you possibly can so that anyone who is not a close friend of yours doesn’t have access to see your posts, just remember sometimes things can still get out as once you post something online it is there forever and anyone can share, copy and paste, or screen shot and bring attention to it. If you post online the WORLD can now see it and there is no removing it as people can screen shot at a click of a button.

- Make sure you have a setting where you can view any photos of you or posts to your own account by people before they are seen on your profile, you never know who may of taken a photo of you dancing on the bar on Friday night and that’s not something you want a future boss or colleague to see.
- If you are passionate about the industry you are in use social media as a tool to your advantage, for example if you are a Chef, why not create a page to showcase your cooking skills? You can use it to put your food images online, this can be considered your food portfolio (which you would need for a Chefs position) and you can put the link to this page onto your Cv. Or if you are a guide who takes wildlife pics, have a page for this that you can show employers. If you are a Housekeeper you could even put photos of your room set ups and turn-downs? Not only does it show you take your job seriously, but that it is a real passion of yours and this is what employers are looking for.
- If you use Linked in and you have recommendations from clients/colleagues or employers on here then why not compile these onto a document and send through with any applications, you can also use Trip Advisor comments. Try and make the internet and social media work for you!
Where do you look for work on social media?
- Instagram
- Linked in
- Facebook – recruiters pages as well as Job pages
- There are also many Job related websites, not related to social media
Lastly remember that social media is meant to be fun so enjoy posting whatever you want about your life, but always remember just as you would research a company before going for an interview or sending your Cv then are also researching you and social media is a standard tool that they will use so be mindful of this at all times! – Think before posting!
Facebook page – Wild Dreams Recruitment and Wild Dreams Consulting
Linked in – Hayley Cooper
Instagram – wilddreamsrecruitment
Website –

This topic is something which isn’t often thought of when job hunting, but regardless of if you are applying for a position within the hospitality industry or any other industry it is common practice for employers to check out a candidate’s social media profiles to get an idea of personalities.
Its probably a bit controversial to do this as our online lives are often very different to our work lives, and don’t always reflect what our work ethic will be like. However as we are in a time where a lot of our personal feelings, thoughts and daily live’s are all put onto the internet for the world to see and there is no hiding from this.
There are even companies who offer ‘social media screenings’ of people who will look into not only current behaviour but also past behaviour and report back to employers!
The internet is an amazing tool to look for work, there are many job sites and recruitment websites. But as social media can help you find work there is a direct link between your personal profile and employers and recruiters.
Here are a few tips when looking for work on social media:
- As you may be posting online about your career experience in order to look for work, it’s a good idea to have a profile picture of you, most people do have themselves as their picture however here are a few tips regarding pics:
: Have just you in the photo
: Wear something smart (ish) doesn’t have to be a shirt and tie but for example not a bikini/shirtless
: Be smiling in your picture, no one wants to employ someone who doesn’t look warm and friendly
: Don’t have a drink or cigarette in your hand in your picture
- When posting about your career experience, remember to do just that and not give your life story when looking for work. Keep it short and concise and relevant to what you are looking for. For example:
: ‘I am a NQF 1, Full trails qualified field guide with experience working in high end lodges, I am currently looking for a new position for growth in my career, please contact me for a copy of my Cv on ….EMAIL/PHONE NUMBER. Thank you’
- If you see a job advertised that you feel you are qualified for and have the experience asked, then send the required documents to the contact details provided. There is very little point in commenting on the job advert saying ‘I’m interested’ or with your phone number. I can guarantee you will not be contacted unless you send through the required documents and follow the instructions on the advert. Always read it carefully before making any comment.
- Don’t post the words ‘’I’m looking for any job’’ employers are looking for candidates who are highly passionate about the industry and position they are applying for, even if you don’t have lots of experience or a specific qualification try and give a little information about your skills, and what sort of industry/position you think you would suit.
- If you see a job advertised don’t send a private message to the person advertising the position, most people won’t receive your message as you are not known to them so it can filter into a ‘junk message box’ or they just wont reply as you haven’t followed the instructions on the job advert as asked. Employers and recruiters don’t have time to reply to private messages either so you are often just wasting your time too.
- If you have had a bad experience with an employer or recruiter, never comment in a negative way on their posts, you may think its only them that are seeing this comment but the reality is there may be thousands of people on this group who all see your comment and it will only end up reflecting badly on you and not the company itself.
- If you see a salary advertised on a job advert that you think is way under market related, keep quiet and don’t comment. There will be many people who see this comment who are possibly working for the same or a lesser salary, by commenting in this way you are belittling these people but also making yourself look bad and highly unprofessional.
- It is not required to post a photo of you on your post as your profile picture will already be of you, rather make your post about your experience and qualifications. (refer to my above point about your profile photo)
- Try not to over-post or over-advertise yourself online, if you are posting constantly that you are looking for work people may assume there is a problem with you, If you are desperately looking for work try to rather try different means instead of posting every week on the same site which means the same people are seeing this over and over.
- Always triple check your post before clicking ‘post’ for spelling errors, grammar errors, this is probably an employer or recruiters first impression of you so take the time to check.
- If you are looking for work on social media but you haven’t told your current employer then its best to do so first. Even if your employer doesn’t see your post there is a good chance a colleague may and it probably will get back to your boss. So if this is the way you want to advertise yourself for positions inform them that you are looking for a new job but you will keep them updated with any progress you make and of course will give the full notice period required as per your contract.
General social media tips
- Never bad mouth your boss or company on social media regardless of if you are still employed there or have left. Not only will this cause friction with the company, but it will make you look bad and you could potentially be sued for defamation of character so be very careful what you post.
- Never bad mouth a recruiter, although recruiters are in competition with each other they also work closely together and again you can be sued for defamation of character but also other recruiters wont consider assisting you at all.
- This is a standard thing to remember but never call in sick and then post pictures on social media of you out and about for the day, there are many real stories of this happening and it could potentially lead to you getting dismissed.
- Make your account as private as you possibly can so that anyone who is not a close friend of yours doesn’t have access to see your posts, just remember sometimes things can still get out as once you post something online it is there forever and anyone can share, copy and paste, or screen shot and bring attention to it. If you post online the WORLD can now see it and there is no removing it as people can screen shot at a click of a button.
- Make sure you have a setting where you can view any photos of you or posts to your own account by people before they are seen on your profile, you never know who may of taken a photo of you dancing on the bar on Friday night and that’s not something you want a future boss or colleague to see.
- If you are passionate about the industry you are in use social media as a tool to your advantage, for example if you are a Chef, why not create a page to showcase your cooking skills? You can use it to put your food images online, this can be considered your food portfolio (which you would need for a Chefs position) and you can put the link to this page onto your Cv. Or if you are a guide who takes wildlife pics, have a page for this that you can show employers. If you are a Housekeeper you could even put photos of your room set ups and turn-downs? Not only does it show you take your job seriously, but that it is a real passion of yours and this is what employers are looking for.
- If you use Linked in and you have recommendations from clients/colleagues or employers on here then why not compile these onto a document and send through with any applications, you can also use Trip Advisor comments. Try and make the internet and social media work for you!
Where do you look for work on social media?
- Linked in
- Facebook – recruiters pages as well as Job pages
- There are also many Job related websites, not related to social media
Lastly remember that social media is meant to be fun so enjoy posting whatever you want about your life, but always remember just as you would research a company before going for an interview or sending your Cv then are also researching you and social media is a standard tool that they will use so be mindful of this at all times! – Think before posting!
Facebook page – Wild Dreams Recruitment and Wild Dreams Consulting
Linked in – Hayley Cooper
Instagram – wilddreamsrecruitment
Website –