Grant Murphy
What are your guiding qualifications?
Professional Field Guide & Trails Guide
When did you qualify as a guide and when did you obtain your lead trails qualification?
I qualified as a guide in 2005 and then in 2010 I obtained my lead trails
What made you decide to become a guide?
I always loved the bush and wanted to work in a wilderness area, but I also enjoy people interaction so guiding seemed like the best of both worlds
What was your first ever guiding job?
Working as a freelance guide in Kruger national park, I was working for 3 different companies at the time, guiding as they needed me
What is your favourite animal to view from a vehicle and why?
Elephant, because they are relatable being such intelligent animals and are very easy animals to ‘’read’’
What is your favourite animal to view on foot and why?
White Rhino, because you get the true perspective of their size when on foot
What is your favourite animal to track on foot and why?
Lion, because I enjoy trying to anticipate their moves while following their tracks and when you do find them it’s quite exhilarating
Other than animals, what would be your favourite topic to talk about with guests?
I enjoy talking about tracking and trailing animals
If you could list 3 reasons you love guiding what would they be?
Being out in the wild at sunrise
Guest interaction
Learning the behaviour of the animals
Do you have any advice for any aspiring guides?
Only get into the industry if you love people as you will be with people all day
If you weren’t a guide, what position/industry do you think you would be in?
For more interviews with industry experts who are currently in hospitality check out my other blogs on my ”blogs” page on my website!
Grant Murphy
What are your guiding qualifications?
Professional Field Guide & Trails Guide
When did you qualify as a guide and when did you obtain your lead trails qualification?
I qualified as a guide in 2005 and then in 2010 I obtained my lead trails
What made you decide to become a guide?
I always loved the bush and wanted to work in a wilderness area, but I also enjoy people interaction so guiding seemed like the best of both worlds
What was your first ever guiding job?
Working as a freelance guide in Kruger national park, I was working for 3 different companies at the time, guiding as they needed me
What is your favourite animal to view from a vehicle and why?
Elephant, because they are relatable being such intelligent animals and are very easy animals to ‘’read’’
What is your favourite animal to view on foot and why?
White Rhino, because you get the true perspective of their size when on foot
What is your favourite animal to track on foot and why?
Lion, because I enjoy trying to anticipate their moves while following their tracks and when you do find them it’s quite exhilarating
Other than animals, what would be your favourite topic to talk about with guests?
I enjoy talking about tracking and trailing animals
If you could list 3 reasons you love guiding what would they be?
Being out in the wild at sunrise
Guest interaction
Learning the behaviour of the animals
Do you have any advice for any aspiring guides?
Only get into the industry if you love people as you will be with people all day
If you weren’t a guide, what position/industry do you think you would be in?
For more interviews with industry experts who are currently in hospitality check out my other blogs on my ”blogs” page on my website!