How do I apply for a Job?
First check the ‘Job vacancies’ section, click on the icon related to your the department you are looking for work in. The current vacancies will be displayed and if there is a specific position you would like to apply for and you fit the criteria then click ‘apply for job’
What if I haven’t found a job listed on the website but I would like to send my CV anyway?
You can do this as relevant CV’s will be kept on file. In this case please forward your CV to the following email address: Please note in order to be considered forward the following: CV in word format with a photo of you, minimum of 2 x written references, copies of any related certificates […]
Can I send my CV and documents through WhatsApp?
Please only send documents and your CV through email/website. WhatsApp messages can be used to correspond with Wild Dreams but not for documents.